
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Unleashed Body: Yoga Unleashed With Heidy Tejeda

The Unleashed Body: Yoga Unleashed
Heidy Tejeda, 2014

Heidy leads this routine with one backgrounder in a yoga studio. The DVD contains a 42 min yoga routine & a 10 min bonus core routine. You wont need any equipment for these routines. The workouts are done voiceover.

Main Routine: Exercises include breathing, sun salutation, warrior pose, seated twist, balance pose, seated hip stretch, forward angle fold, balance series, tree, plank, side plank, low back series, boat, bridge hold, back bend, full bridge hold, stretch series, side knee drops, shoulder stand variations, a seated stretch pose, and concludes with corpse pose.

Ab Routine: knee side plank leg raises, side plank, child pose, V drop, spinal rotation, full roll up, and seated reaches.

In the main routine, Heidy does not provide cuing, so you will need to watch the screen or it may take a few times through to get the flow down. Because of this and some advanced poses interspersed I would recommend this routine to more advanced yogis. She does offer some encouragement & yoga info as you go. I received this DVD to review.

For More Information, Visit:
The Unleashed Body on the Web

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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