Fitness Favorites presents digitally remastered FIRM, FitPrime, & KickButt favorites, some for the first time EVER on dvd, and some new collections! Stay tuned for detailed reviews of more awesome Fitness Favorite dvds and below is my review of FitPrime Kickbutt Parts: 6 Day Trainer 6 Day Slam a new compilation available on 2 DVDs in one sturdy DVD case. Read my reviews below of these two discs below.
Melissa Grill, Heidi Tanner, Tamela Hastie, Keli Roberts, Kimberly Spreen, 2015
This set contains 2 DVDs, each containing six 21 to 25 minute workouts that you can mix & match or play alone and comes with a suggested rotation (pictured below). You will need weights, a yoga block, dowel, and a tall step for these routines. Each workout contains a warm up & cool down/ stretch.
6 Day Trainer 6 Day Slam Volume 1:
Boot Camp: (22 min) Exercises include modified burpees adding pushups, modified side plank, can can, box pushups, lat row, bicep curl, uneven pushups using the yoga block, knee plank to knee side plank, side lying tri pushups, unweighted lynges down to a push up and hopping back up, weighted lunges, & elevator plank to pushup.
Biceps & Back: (24 min) Exercises include delt raise & side step, rhomboid pinch & toe taps, knee pulls & row, kneeling lat row, seated front raise & side raise, French press bi variations with pliets, releve with shoulder rolls, squat & curl with the block in between your thighs, crunches, oblique crunches, bicycle, and double crunches.
Kickboxing: (24 min) Exercises include low hops & punches, ham curl adding rotation, chasse, box step, upper cut, full form squats, side step to skater, boxers shuffle, bob & weave, squat knee pull, roundhouse, punch kick & knee mini routines, fast feet, tall box press adding punches, tall box climb, hopscotch. jab cross slip, speed bag, fast & slow skater, and step knee up.
Cardio Pilates: (22 min) Exercises include grand pliets, side steps, rocking horse, mambo chacha, side toe taps & delt raise, pliet & bi curls, abduction & overhead press, side step & bi tri combo, plie & shoulder shrug, standing abductions, plie hold & push backs, side step squats adding an abduction, kick & punch, uneven squats on box, tall box press, side lunge row & abduction combo, lunge & overhead press, curtsy dip & upright row, jumps, lower crunches, and oblique work.
Floor Legs & Abs: (23 min) Exercises include double crunches, reverse crunches, toe drops, side lying leg sweeps & leg raises, clam, leg circles, cat cow adding knee pull, tall box donkey series, supine rope climb, crunches with your feet on the box, supine toe reaches, and an ab series with the block under your lower back.
Dancey Moves: (23 min) Exercises include mambo & triple set, jacks & v step, back step & chasse, walk & tap, standing abduction, calf releve & punch, side touch with rotation, hamstring curls, and heel digs.
Cardio & Step: (21 min) Exercises include toe taps to the tall box, lunge & pulse jumps, stepping on and around the box, marching, jump rope, front & back cross step, fast feet, jumps, tall box climb with light weights, upper back fly, hamstring curls, knee pulls, V step and hip twists.
Upper Body Weights: (25 min) This is mostly 4 limb cardio + UB. Exercises include single arm overhead press & standing abduction, squat & front raise - curtsy & curl -rhomboid pinch - lat raise & abduct, mambo cha cha & front raise, back cross step & bi curl, side step & delt raise or bi tri combo, squat & jump, rocking horse with bi tri combo, squat & bi tri with a glute raise, squat & abduct with bi curl, pec fly & leg drops, & weighted crunches.
Lower Body Weights: (25 min) LB focused but does contain some UB & core work. Exercises include dowel lunges and single arm bi curl, side lunges reaching down & diagonal press, dowel hover squats adding shoulder rotation, standing leg circles, dowel leg press adding knee raise, dip & curl - arabesque & upright row, toe dip adding a dowel overhead sweep, weighted supine toe reach, supine leg drops, weighted rocking crunches, and knee drops.
Yoga Stretch: (22 min) This is a flowing vinyassa yoga routine that also includes some athletic style stretches interspersed. You will use the tall box & a dowel. Exercises include warrior, down dog using the box, standing side stretch, triangle seated spinal twist, and a standing & a seated stretch sequence using the dowel.
Pilates Stretch: (24 min) You will use 2 yoga blocks in various positions for this routine. Exercises include V drops, V side reaches, bridge using the step, crunch & sit up variations using the blocks, side lying inner & outer thigh work, supine leg extensions, circle crunches, cobra, prone leg circles, and bow pose.
These are lower to solid intermediate routines. The choreo is fun & easy to follow. The workouts focus on non-dominant training, so you will work you weaker side first. The workouts have a functional feel and mix up genres to create a unique workout experience. All of the instructors provide great cuing & form pointers. I like the variety that these DVDs provide. I received this DVD to review
I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to lindsey8.blogspot.com
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