
Monday, September 28, 2015

Fusion Fitness Dream Body Cardio Series: Bikini Bootcamp Review

Ready to shock your body? Then you are ready for Fusion Fitness Dream Body Cardio Series. All new workouts from Darby Brender & all your Fusion Fitness ladies in one super cute set. The set includes five DVDs each in its own plastic DVD case in one convenient cardboard sleeve . Each DVD is 50-60 minutes and each will get your heart pumping, and your muscles burning! These are fast paced, advanced workouts that will have you sweating in no time. Each DVD has a different focus and are super unique from one another. Read my review of disk 3 below:

Amy Person, 2013

This is a 60 minute kickboxing & toning workout set in a cute studio. You will need an exercise band and light weights for this routine. Amy works out with 2 other exercisers, each working out a varying intensity. The workouts jump right in and conclude with a cool down. 

Band Work: 
curtsy dip & jump switch, chair pose with punches, pulsing lunges & punches, dip & knee hop with big arms adding a hop, knee pulls, cardio lunges & cross punches, seal jacks, cross lunge & punches with a jump & oblique crunch, spider push ups to plank jacks, burpees, knee pulls & kicks, kick & squat with tri work, oblique band pull & twist, and crescent to squat & tri work. 

Light Weight Work: 
You do the circuit on one side, then repeat on the otherhook & hops front to back, punch-knee-kick combo, tap & slide with kicks & punches, skater & back kicks w/ overhead press & kickbacks, single leg hop & hook, double side hop & jacks with overhead press, speed bag & high knee run, punching jacks, scissor jacks, double crunch & leg drops, supine scissor jacks & crunch, supine toe reaches, circle abs, +& down dog pushups with arm pulls.

This is a non-stop advanced workout that will really burn out your arms and core. while burning a ton of calories. Amy wastes no time but I would not describe this routine as frantic. There is definitely a lot going on & a ton of great combo moves to keep your body guessing. Great unique moves and a lot of lower impact as well. I love the use of light weights & band in the cardio exercises to really burn out your UB. Amy's cuing is good and I liked her personality. I received this DVD to review. 

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Read all my Fusion Fitness Reviews here

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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