
Friday, September 9, 2016

Interview with Move Joyfully's Natalie Spadaccino

You may have read my recent reviews from Natalie Spadaccino and I have been lucky enough to score an interview with her- keep reading! But first a little about her. Natalie has been teaching group exercise since 1989. She has an Associates of Science, a Bachelor of Science Master of Science Degree in Human Performance/Exercise Physiology with a concentration and multiple fitness certifications: American College of Sports Medicine, Health Fitness Specialist Certification, Aerobics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA), Johnny G. Spinning Instructor, Resist-A-Ball Advanced Instructor Certification, Fitness Yoga Certification, Physical Mind Institute Pilates Certification, CPR/AED Certification, PiYo Certfication, Balletone Sole Synthesis and Standing Flow.

Lindsey: You have been an instructor for 25 years, what can you share with us about your fitness background and motivation to make your DVDs?
Natalie: It’s hard to believe that I have been teaching fitness classes for that long.  It started way back at a place called Spa Lady (now I am really dating myself).  I became certified to teach group classes, after I began taking classes and found out how much I loved it!  I just finished my Associates Degree and had gained some weight in college.  I always was someone who had to watch their weight, but in high school, I was very active playing soccer, cheerleading and track.  I did very little exercise those first two years in college and as many can relate to, put on the pounds pretty quickly.  I started doing hi/lo aerobics and began to eat healthier and the weight started to come off.  I found classes to be an extremely fun way of working out that made me laugh and sing.  I realized that classes were created and designed much like cheers and patterns for cheerleading, which I absolutely loved doing.  Several instructors told me they thought I could and should be an instructor, so I got certified to teach and never looked back.  I certainly found my passion!

During this time, I was continuing my education to get my Bachelor’s Degree in teaching K-6 graders, but my passion as I stated, really was in the fitness field.  I finished my Bachelor’s Degree, but then went on to get my Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology with a concentration in nutrition.  I taught fitness classes to pay for school and have been blessed to grow with the group exercise industry, teaching a wide variety of classes, such as step, boot camp, kickboxing, cycling, hip/hop, fitness yoga, Pilates, and ballet inspired workouts like my Joyful Movement series, among many others.

I still love to teach a variety of classes, but the older I get, the more I understand that exercise is more about feeling good, than about being thin or just reaching a weight loss goal.  I don’t think it is a bad thing to have these goals, but moving more is more about the quality of life and how you feel inside and out.  More and more research has been done regarding how our brains respond to movement and how our entire well-being depends on us moving more.  My dedication to helping people become more fit in body and mind, grows stronger with each passing year. 

I met Ellen Barrett about 11 years ago and began teaching for her at her studio and we became great friends.  I was blessed and honored to participate with her in the filming of 5 different exercise videos.  She told me that I should be filming my own videos and she encouraged me to do it.  I finally just took a leap of faith, borrowed and raised the money, and filmed my own 2 videos, Joyful Movement Cardio and Joyful Movement Sculpt.  I am so very proud of these workouts and the message that I am trying to send with them.  Be grateful for your healthy body and move joyfully!  So many people dread exercise because they think it has to be painful and take up too much time…it doesn’t! 

Lindsey: I had the pleasure of reviewing your DVDs. The Move Joyfully name fits your DVD workout style; can you tell us about this genre. (love her response below-keep reading!)
Natalie: This is a fusion-based class that combines the essence of ballet, yoga, pilates and fitness based moves.  It is really a combination of many different aspects of fitness classes that I have taught over the last 25 years.  It will challenge your strength, balance, endurance and flexibility all while getting a cardiovascular workout.  That is a lot of bang for your buck!
These movements are supposed to challenge you in all these areas of fitness, but also feel very playful and may I say it…Joyful!  Core strength is so important when it relates to our everyday activities, so the movements require lots of balance , which is good for your entire body and especially your core.  It is also an exceptional way to use your brain/mind; you must be present and focused or you will lose your balance.  I call this our “play time”.  We somehow lost the essence of movement feeling like play.  Remember the days when we ran around outside and jumped rope just because it was fun?  Somewhere along the way, this became something we “had to do”, not something that we “get to do”.

I grew up always having to watch my weight.  I am a twin and have an older and younger sister.  I was the only one who was not stick thin and of course as a young person, you want to be thin too.  My perception about my body and food, was very unhealthy.  I struggled for many, many years having negative thoughts about food and my body, even though I was always encouraged by my parents and told that I was beautiful.  Being a teenager is hard and you want to look like everyone else.  Although I had many hard years, it made me the person I am today and moved me in the direction of health and fitness forever, not just for the moment.

It has been scientifically proven that the way we think matters in how we feel.  Positive thinking results in more positive thinking.  If we have joyful, pleasant thoughts regarding exercise, we will in fact enjoy it more!  Our bodies are a gift and moving is a privilege!  We should do it joyfully; not because we have to, but because we get to! 

Lindsey: Do you have plans for any future DVDs that we can look forward to?
Natalie: Yes!  I am very excited about filming again, but as I said earlier, saving up the money takes some time.  I hope to film again in the upcoming year and already have a plan for two more workouts that will also involve lots of joyful movement and play time…the rest will be a surprise!  

What is your typical workout routine? 
Natalie: When I am not teaching, I will usually take a cycle class or use the step mill (love those rotating stairs) and/or treadmill and do interval based cardiovascular work for about 30-40 minutes.  I always end with stretching and using the foam roller for about 10 -15 minutes.  I would love to take more yoga classes and one of my goals is to try to fit a class into my weekly routine.  I used to take power yoga at least 2 times per week, but that became harder the more classes I taught.  I teach about 10 fitness classes a week, so finding my own time can be a little challenging.  I also love to take walks outside for about 2-3 miles; it gives me time to think and to pray.  This is also a great place to think about upcoming ideas for videos!!

Lindsey: What can you tell us about the DVD making experience?
Natalie: I was so  nervous and excited at the same time.  Making the videos was really one of the highlights of my life and career.  It was probably one of the most challenging and fun things I have ever done.  I feel very comfortable in front of a camera, probably because I am so used to being in front of a room teaching group classes or at my other job as an Exercise Physiologist teaching health lectures.  The most challenging thing was actually doing the balance moves I planned for the workout without a mirror and with all of the cameras traveling around the room trying to get every angle.  Nothing could have prepared me for that!

We had a phenomenal filming crew and Ellen Barrett filmed before me, so she stayed to cheer me on and hold up time markers.  My husband came and took all the photos from the shoot, including my cover shots for the videos.  He did an outstanding job and all of the pictures of the filming are on my website,, which my husband designed.  Yes, he is very talented!  I also had my friend Darci alongside me with her positive attitude and amazing spirit.  We had a really FUN time and I cannot wait to do it again!

For More Information, Visit: 
Move Joyfully on the web
Move Joyfully on Facebook
Read my Move Joyfully Reviews here

I have worked with Natalie in the past & have received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to


  1. I love Natalie's workouts & I am looking forward to her upcoming dvds! Both Joyful Movement Cardio & Joyful Movement Sculpt are vigorous and uplifting AND fun! I love 'gathering star's' with Natalie & Darci (and thinking about all the other Natalie fan's that could be working out with me that day!) Natalie has a way of making a workout fun and wonderfully effective! I love the invigoration!

  2. Natalie is knowledgeable, holistic and a very inspiring workout educator. Her classes are safe and she pays particular attention to giving modifications suitable for individuals at all levels of fitness. Thank You Natalie! Keep shining. Renee Baldo, RN
