
Monday, October 31, 2016 Presidential Cookie Cake Campaign and YOU Can Vote In Their Election Prediction Campaign!

Well we can all probably agree that neither presidential candidate is all too sweet of a choice. That is why, has  come out with a hilariously sweet Presidential Cookie Cake Campaign. They have designed the cookies with original caricatures of the candidates on huge sugar cookie cakes. These can be fun gifts or treats at debate-watching or other election-related rallies and parties. I brought mine to work and believe me EVERYONE was amused, laughing, and calling others into the breakroom to check them out. You can get Hilary, Donald, or Johnson or best yet - all three!

Beyond the fun cookies is inviting all Americans to voice their choice at its own election-predicting has recruited companies in all 50 states to host its own Electoral College, as well. Ultimately, the New Hampshire company is hoping to accurately predict the winner a week early on Nov. 1. Sounds fun and I cant wait to see how the results come out! For’s Electoral College, companies in all 50 states have jumped at the chance to conduct special Presidential Cookie Cake polls in their offices. In each case, three different cookie cakes will be placed on a table and employees will be encouraged to quickly take a slice of the cake they prefer. The first Presidential Cookie Cake to be devoured will be declared the winner of that state.          

The online retailer of upscale food gifts hopes to reveal all voting results on “Cookie Tuesday,” November 1stTo participate in the general polling, please go to the polling place to vote. I just cast my vote, here are the results as of my vote:

“Many Americans don’t know what they’ll ultimately do on election day,” said Jason Bergeron, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for “That’s why we’re hoping to offer weary voters a fun distraction, making their experience sweeter as they brace themselves for Election Day on November 8th.” Bring them into you work, church, club or home & remind people of their civic duty- get out and vote- hey even you write someone in, make your voice heard. 

Have some fun with the election and get your Presedential Cookie Cakes from! How patriotic.

For More Information, Visit: on Instagram

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