
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ellen Barrett 7 Day Workout Challenge DVD Review

7 Day Workout Challenge
Ellen Barrett, 2017

This DVD has seven unique & complete 15-45 minute routines- one for each day of the week! Ellen works barefoot out in a large studio with 2 background exercisers. You will need a mat & light weights for these workouts. The routines all have built in warm ups & cool downs.

Day 1: 30 Minute Feel Good Fusion ~ Exercises include plies with breath work, reach & shift with arm circles, back rolls, step plies with toe taps, attitude knee raises & toe taps, arm rolls, standing mermaid, and twists. This is a mix of pilates, dance & yoga.

Day 2: 15 Minute Power 15 ~ Using light weights, exercises include close stance squat pulses, bi curls adding knee raise & low kicks, lat raise & arm circles adding leg circles, squat pulse variations, figure 8 arm movement with squats & side lunges, and overhead tri press. This is a light toning workout.

Day 3: 30 Minute Core Yoga ~ plie stance side reaches, warrior pulses, plank cross knee pull, plank cross knee pull, sphinx, breath of fire, rib cage circles, standing cat wow, triangle & reverse triangle, crescent pulses, twist variations, balance toe crouch stance, seated forward fold stretch, boat adding twists, seated torso circles, and breath work. This is floor & standing core focused yoga.

Day 4: 15 Minute Quick Cardio ~ Exercises include marching adding direction, squat pules, step squats adding hops, kicks, sway & tap, twisting prayer pulses, plie pulses adding heel raises, zig zag reaches, and breathing. This is a rhythmic cardio routine.

Day 5: 30 Minute Yogini Sculpt ~ Exercises include breath work with arm movements, shoulder rolls, pulsing lunges, military press, runners lunge with chest opener, interspersed stretches, 1/2 moon, arm circles, preacher curls adding heel raise, table top leg work, bird dog, butterfly forward fold, and seated meditation. This is a yoga routine using weights.

Day 6: 45 Minute Fusion Bootcamp ~ sweeping breathing plies, to tap & reach, marching in & out adding jumps, plie reach, easy kicks, squat 7 reaches, abductions, glute raises, balance demi squat pulses, balance work, and standing toe taps adding lifts & bends. This is a faster pace cardio + sculpting routine, you build a routine and then repeat it a few times.

Day 7: 15 Minute Zen Stretch ~ Stretches include side stretch, twists, chest opener, repeater mermaid, ankle rotations, butterfly forward fold, criss cross forward fold, ham stretch, and breathing. This is a flowing seated stretch routine

These routines are appropriate for all fitness levels; beginners can easily do the work and the advanced exercisers can appreciate these routines incorporated into their rotations. Ellen gives you a mantra to live by in each workout and the DVD is designed to be used as a weekly rotation. As always, Ellen provides unique feel good routines that leave you feeling refreshed -not wiped out. Ellen is a great instructor & I love her workout style. This is a great DVD with tons of unique footage that is a great fit for anyone's DVD library. I received this DVD to review.

For More Information, Visit: 
Ellen Barrett on YouTube
Ellen Barrett on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

1 comment:

  1. I have MANY of Ellen's dvd's and love them all for different reasons. This particular workout dvd gives me so much (endless) variety and the fluidity of the program is amazing! By fluidity I mean it's a living program that you can expand on and make it moves and grows with my personal workout needs. For example on a particular day I just imply add another 30 min. workout to a shorter segment or by putting 2-fifteen minute segments together within the program itself to create all new workout. The fluidity (ability to move with my needs)of the program is typical of Ellen Barrett because her workouts promote fluidity through movement. I especially love Day 3 and Day 5 but I look forward to doing Ellen's workouts no matter which day I am on.
