
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Interview with Nutrionist Dr. Keith Kantor: Healthy Eating During Summer Vacations

I am very excited to share with you some great insights from Dr. Keith Kantor! Stay healthy & fueled all summer long with these great tips. Summer is in full swing. That means the kids are home from school. The days are longer. And for millions of Americans it is vacation time. More Americans take their vacations during the summer then any other time of the year. Vacation time also poses a problem for millions of Americans - how not to put unwanted pounds on. Many people find while traveling that they put on unwanted weight from unhealthy eating. How can you avoid this yet still enjoy your vacation? What are the best foods for vacation? Keep reading my interview with Dr. Keith Kantor, a leading nutritionist and CEO of the Nutritional Addiction Mitigation Eating and Drinking (NAMED) program to learn more. Dr. Kantor has appeared on CNN and FOX News channel for his expertise. 

Lindsey: Thank you Dr. Keith Kantor for taking the time to share your insights with us. What is your background in nutrition?
Dr. Kantor: I have been an advocate of natural food and healthy living for 30 years. In 1994 he was appointed CEO of the largest all natural food company of its kind in the United States. I currently am the CEO and Founder of the NAMED Program, which frees people
from addiction through nutrition. I have a PhD in Nutritional Science, a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and a Doctorate in Business Entrepreneurship. I also hold undergraduate degrees in Biology and Chemistry.

Lindsey: What tips do you have for healthy travel snacking on the go?
Dr. Kantor: Planning is important; if you are on the go keeping a stash of healthy snacks that do not need to be refrigerated is important. 1-2 oz.servings of nuts, seeds, fruit, or nutrition bars such as Lara bars, RxBars, or Epic Bars are all simple options to have on hand. Having this ready to grab will  reduce the likelihood that you will give into unhealthy junk foods.

Lindsey: What kinds of snacks do you recommend for summer vacations?
Dr. Kantor: Fresh fruits topped with keifer and nuts or seeds, chopped vegetables with guacamole, or hummus, or homemade trail mix filled with nuts, seeds, dried fruit and no sugar added.

Lindsey: What nutrition advice can you offer us for vacationing, or just busy on the go times in our lives?
Dr. Kantor: Try to still eat balanced meals that are not fried. Aim to have protein, healthy fats and vegetables at each meal. It is also important to hydrate properly. I recommend one half your body weight in ounces of water per day. My favorite is alkaline hydroxide water (Aqua- OH!). This will help eliminate inflammation; ultra hydrates (forms more water than you drink) and helps keep the detoxification pathways open, which helps if you eat any junk food. Also sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. It is easy to give into vacation treat foods like burger and fries but remind yourself of your goals and how good you feel when you consume healthy foods on a regular basis. That being said, enjoy a treat or a few on vacation just make sure you are still getting adequate servings of fruits/vegetables and healthy fats.

Lindsey: What foods do you recommend we skip when vacationing?
Dr. Kantor: Avoid excessive fried foods, these will make you feel sluggish and could make all of your experiences not as much fun. Limit sugar intake, if you want a fruity cocktail drink, soda water with fresh fruit and liquor instead of processed sugar mixers.

Thank you SO MUCH Dr. Kantor for sharing such great information with us. I know this will help me stay on track this summer. We appreciate your time,dedication to healthy living, & sharing your knowledge with us! 

For More Information, Visit: 
Dr. Keith Kantor on the web
Dr. Keith Kantor on Linkedin

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