
Monday, May 3, 2010

And the winner of Jennifer Galardi's Ballet Body is: SociologyNews

Congrats to Sociology News who said: "I love the workout because usually satisfying exercise leaves me feeling everything but feminine. Jennifer's workout will have women feeling fit and graceful."

Please send me your mailing address to lindseylu8 (at) netzero (dot) net. And dont forget to leave a comment here so I know to check that email address! I hope you enjoy the dvd as much as I did and get a lot of use out it. Please contact me before 5/9/10 to claim your prize!

As always, I chose the winner using random number generator!

Thank you Jennifer Galardi for her GENEROUS dvd donation in the name of health, fitness, and FUN! And thank you everyone who entered. I am doing another awesome workout dvd giveaway this week so keep reading.

For more information or to buy this or other Jennifer Galardi workouts check out these links:

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