
Monday, May 3, 2010

The FIRM Pump Jump & Jab! Review

The Firm: Punch, Jump, 'n Jab
Kelsie Daniels, 2008

This is a 40 minute nonstop cardio & strength workout led by Kelsie with 4 background exercisers. Terri Lyn shows the beginner modifications. The set is the large windows with the (fake) city view and hardwood floors. You will only need dumbbells for this workout. The dvd also includes a bonus 5 minute "hit every muscle in 5 Minutes w/o" and has a Spanish option.

After a nice active warmup and brief stretch Kelsie goes right into the first strength set. The strength sets include a lot of multi muscle moves so my heartrate got up right away and stayed up there for the duration. Some of the strength exercises include: squat with a bicep curl, 4 count curtsy dips with clean and press, dip w/ overhead press, pushups w/ a side reach, side lunge with a lat row, side lunge with a tricep kickback, etc.

The cardio sets were comprised of mostly kickboxing type moves that were put together into little routines that were easy to follow and straightforward. Some of the exercises include punch combos: cross, jab, uppercut, hooks. Various kicks: roundhouse, front kick, back kick, and side kicks. You will do jumping jacks, shuffle, knee ups, and other athletic type cardio moves.

She does alternate the cardio sets with strength sets in this workout,but like I said, my heart was pumping during the strength sets too so they definately werent a break at all! The break finally comes when you go down to the floor for ab work and a cooldown. The ab work included some interesting crunch variations.

I would rate this workout a solid intermediate with the option to up or down the intensity pretty easily. Kelsie is a great lead and her cueing is very good in this one. While it is nonstop I didnt feel rushed at all, and enjoyed the quick pace.

The bonus 5 minute workout is Kelsie working out alone. After a quick warmup you do a few multi muscle strength moves and finish with a quick cooldown. I received this DVD to review.


  1. Mandatory entry...
    I learned that today's special on Totalfitnessdvds is AMY BENTO HI LO DOME CHALLENGE DVD

    Thanks for the shout out for making the connection but it really was my pleasure.
    Thrilled it worked!!!

  2. The three links are
    Mary's *About Us* page at totalfitnessdvds
    Mary's Facebook totalfitnessdvds page
    Mary's Twitter totalfitnessdvds page which I just bookmarked thanks to this blog's link

  3. I couldn't find the *like* on Mary's Facebook so posted on the page about the giveaway and thanked Mary.

  4. I went to Mary's site, and learned the clip for this workout says it's 1:18 long, but it's really 1:17.

  5. The new weekly specials are up on the website - Patrick Goudeau for $8.99

  6. The three links are:
    About Us page at totalfitnessdvds
    Facebook totalfitnessdvds page
    Twitter totalfitnessdvds page

  7. Not sure if I am linking properly:!/profile.php?id=1575587227

  8. ok this is my last entry for the day cuz pooping out. Um, I am a follower of this blob LOL

    Please delete my entry for the length of the clip on your other blog page cuz I read and posted too fast and entered the length of the workout instead of the clip. My bad.

  9. ok think the giveaway did ask for the workout's time, not the clip's afterall?? I am beyond confused.
    Think I posted about the giveaway on three different facebook pages too.
    will stay away from Twitter cuz goodness knows how much confusion that crazy page will give me!

  10. Ooo! Excellent giveaway! I learned that TotalfitnessDVDs is in my state!

  11. The three links are:

    The "About Us" page at totalfitnessdvds
    TotalfitnessDVDS Facebook
    Totalfitnessdvds Twitter page

  12. I AM a follower of your blog, and I love it. I usually post as Sassyinkpen, but I'm logged into another blog and too lazy to change *g*

  13. And for my final entry - I love that's a kickbox workout, those are my absolute favorites, and I've heard really great things about this one.

  14. I already follow Mary/TFD on Facebook...
    I already follow you...
    The mandatory is her about page, and I guess I didn't learn anything because I already use Mary and know she bends over backwards for her customer...
    I would Facebook this but I don't know how to do links on FB. lol I see them, I just haven't tried it.

    I am itching to buy two Christi Taylor DVDs...will let you know if I do.

    I only buy from Mary for new, unless an instructor has a presale and she doesn't.

    Wonderful of Mary to do this!

  15. p.s. just learned that Mary has the 2 Christi's I want, one has 8 in stock, the other has 32. lol

    The Firm's Punch, Jump & Jab is one I've eyed frequently. =)

  16. The weekly specials on Mary's site are Patrick Goudeau DVDs. I'd love to win a Firm workout.

  17. Mandatory entry:

    On Mary's website the weekly special is Patrick Goudeau's workouts.

  18. The three links are:
    1. Mary's about us page.
    2. her face book page
    3. her twitter link.

  19. Hi Lindsey I am a follower of your blog. I love it! It is one of my favorite blogs. :)

  20. What I like about this workout is that is 45 minutes. So it is a great length for a great workout. Not to short, not to long. It is also kickboxing mixed with strength training. Kickboxing is my favorite workout!

  21. Just wanted to mention if anyone is looking for something to buy on Mary's site to get 10 extra entries, I highly recommend the Fitstix workouts and the ProJoyFitstix. The Fusion bundle is a terrific deal compared to what I paid for them.
    Thanks to Fitstix and their sliding filler reactive impact effect, I have retained and even built some upper body muscle without aggravating the joints, especially my elbows which were really whining for way too long. They have added intensity and a new fun factor to older workouts too.

  22. I checked out Mary's web site (again!) and this time I learned what poi spinning is. She has a poi spinning dvd listed under new workouts. Very cool!

  23. What I like about Pump, Jump & Jab is Kelsey! She's a great instructor!

  24. Hi, Lindsey, please explain if "following your blog" is the same as having it as a favorite on my browser and reading it every day, which I do. Somehow I get the feeling something else is involved.

  25. Hi Karen, In the upper left corner there is a "follow" button, click on that and it should take you where you need to go. It should ask you to select a profile, it should be rather self explanatory :) Got your email, so glad you got the PF Harmony in the mail!!!! thanks for the heads up :)

  26. I learned that this workout is 45 minutes.

  27. I like kickboxing workouts to this one sounds good to me

  28. I facebook liked total fitness dvds.

  29. Mary has 1224 titles in stock.

  30. I learned that she has a damaged return section with good deals

  31. I tweeted about this drawing

  32. The links above are
    the about us page.
    her facebook page
    her twitter profile

  33. Hey, I'm new to your blog so I learned tons about Total Fitness DVDs. I had never heard of them before and I learned that they're close to me and have fast shipping.

  34. I learned that Mary has Iron Core Boot Camp back in stock. :)
