
Sunday, August 5, 2012

LOVE: Torani Syrups (They Have CUPCAKE and BACON Syrups!)

Hello, Im Lindsey & I’m a Torani Syrup lover!!! With so many fabulous flavors what’s not to love! Torani just seems to make everything better! I love that they offer so many sugar free varities and whats better is that Torani syrups are sweetened with Splenda,  so we can feel good about enjoying it and sharing the deliciousness with the whole family!
With amazingly delicious flavors like: Banana’s FosterPumpkin PieAlmond RocaCheesecake, White Chocolate, PeachToasted MarshmallowBlue Raspberry, and SO MANY MORE – there is something for everyone. Now that I’m looking through their list – I have added quite a few to my grocery list!
There are so many ways to use your Torani flavorings! Obviously they are delicious in hot or iced coffees and lattes, cappuccino’s and more. But have you tried them in your iced teas? YUM- add some peach to fresh brewed tea for a delicious resfreshing treat on a hot summer day! How about in baking? Have you tried adding them to your muffin, cake, or brownie recipes? Make that recipe your very own by adding your favorite Tonani flavor! We love to use our Torani syrups in our smoothies of course! Add Raspberry, Cherry, or Banana to your fruit or vanilla smoothies for a fun twist. And of course add Sugar Free Salted Caramel, Butterscotch, or French Vanilla to your chocolate or vanilla protein shakes for a complete breakfast or after workout snack!
I have noticed that Torani has a ton of super unique & fun flavors! Have you seen their Bacon, Cupcake, or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough? Seriously mouthwatering! The Torani website provides a complete recipe section so you will never run out of ideas! Another fun idea is to use in adult beverages for the over 21 crowd or in milkshakes for the kids! Bacon and Cupcake could have come in handy at a few of my recent theme  parties- darn I wish I’d have known about them before! Well now I know!
Check out the Torani Store Locator to find a distributor near you and for more information, visit:
The Torani Website
Torani on Facebook
Torani on Twitter
We received samples of these products to review. We were in no other way compensated for our honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are oury own. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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