
Monday, August 6, 2012

Rave: Justin's Nut Butters - Delicious and Good for You

Justin’s Nut Butters offers the highest quality nut butters that contain only the best natural and organic ingredients that are sustainably harvested that are simple, nutritious and delicious . The Belles are absolutely IN LOVE with EACH AND EVERY nut butter flavor we had the pleasure to sample!  We can not say enough things about their nut butters! We are in LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! And there are so many ways to enjoy them: straight from the jar (shhhh!!!), add them to smoothies, enjoy a teaspoon or two with a juicy apple, spread some on celery or a cracker. Enjoy on a sandwich with some jelly or spread on a piece of whole wheat toast. Seriously awesome natural nut butters!
Justin’s Nut Butters are available in jars and single serving packs. And they have delicious candy available too!
We cant decide which Justin Nut Butter flavor we like best because they are all so amazing- honestly- I am craving some now as I write this up. Some of our favorites are:
Classic Almond Butter
Classic Peanut Butter 
Maple Almond Butter
Chocolate Hazelnut Butter
It has been awhile now that I have noticed that either my taste buds have matured, and I don’t crave sugary treats anymore – it only took me forty years ;) – or that some products have changed their formulations and just don’t taste good anymore. I used to be an addict for your regular, run of the mill peanut butter. But these days I find it to be just too sweet. And candy fuggedaboutit!! I was a junkie for peanut butter cups. Today, I can’t even take one bite. But, enter Justin’s Nut Butters and Candy! I get great tasting nut butters without the sugar overkill. And their peanut butter cups are pure heaven. They taste like how I remember peanut butter cups tasted as a kid. And their chocolate hazelnut nut butter – YUM!! I am of Italian descent and grew up on Nutella. Seriously, it was our after school snack -EVERY DAY. Today. I find it sickeningly sweet. Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter though – you get a tasty combination of premium hazelnuts and decadent chocolate for a delicious treat without all the sweet!
Justin’s Nut Butters also strives be mindful with all of their business practices by working toward reducing their environmental footprint on the natural environment. Justin’s Nut butters are available for purchase from many online retailers – click here to find out how you can order.
For more information about Justin’s Nut Butters visit:
We received samples of these products to review. We were in no other way compensated for our honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are oury own. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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