
Friday, January 24, 2014

Acacia Presents: Power Boxing with Marlen Esparza

Power Boxing with Marlen Esparza
Marlen Esparza, 2013

Marlen leads this 56 min boxing workout in a gym set with 2 backgrounders, one providing beginner modifications. You will not need any equipment for this workout. The dvd also contains a boxing 101 tutorial and a bonus box out.

The warmup includes punches, crunch variations, supermans, plank, plank pushups, squat variations, & lunge variations. Exercises include: fast lunges, punch combos using both lead hands, punch combos adding slips & steps, lower body squats & lunges, and then Marlen combines the moves into one fun routine before a shake out & stretch. The bonus box out

I rate this an intermediate routine. I enjoyed the combos that were fun but not hard to follow. Marlen provides excellent cuing & doesnt waste any time. I enjoyed the routine & her expertise. I received this dvd to review.

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