
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Interview with Fitness Pro Chris Freytag (4-25-2011)

The Belles have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview Chris Freytag!!!! We are both huge fans of her Prevention workouts and her Exercise TV 10 Pound Slimdown workout so we were beyond thrilled to have the chance to hear & share her insights!!!

Chris Freytag is a health and fitness expert, trainer, blogger, author and motivational speaker. She has been teaching fitness classes and personal training for over 20 years.  She is a contributing editor and fitness expert for Prevention Magazine ; the fitness contributor for the NBC affiliate KARE 11, in Minneapolis; and sits on the Board of Directors for the American Council on Exercise . Chris has authored 5 books; has created dozens of fitness DVD’s; is a top trainer for Exercise TV; and sells her signature line of healthy kitchen and fitness products on QVC . Most important, is Chris’ family ….her husband of 21 years and their three children ages 19, 17 and 14- (Uhm Chris has 3 children & one of them is 19 years old??? Check out her abs!!!!! AMAZING!)
  • Belles: Rumor has it you are working on another 10# Slimdown, can you give any details at this time? (woot woot- cant wait for these!)
  • Chris: Yes – I’m so excited – the 10# Slim down Xtreme will be coming summer or fall – don’t know yet  – but if you like the original 10# Slim down, the Xtreme will have more workouts, longer workouts, an added cardio workout and other great stuff!

  • Belles: Any other new project ideas on the horizon?
  • Chris: Always working with Prevention Magazine – I have a feature story coming in July.  Always on QVC – selling my kitchen products and fitness products.

  • Belles: You have produced quite a few workouts. Do you have a favorite? (ours too!)
  • Chris: Honestly, the 10# Slim down is my favorite because they are truly workouts that are similar to my live classes.  I teach at Life Time Fitness in Minnesota and we have big classes …60 + people squeeze in the aerobic room.  I teach circuit class several times a week and I use many of the same exercises in my live classes.  I always try new tuff out on my classes to see how they like it before I put it in a video.    I love working with Exercise TV because they trust me to create the workout I like not the workout they like.  When you can totally be yourself – it’s always so much better!

  • Belles: This past winter has been quite a challenge for much of the country. How does leading an active lifestyle, and more importantly functional fitness, help prepare someone to deal with the snowfall?
  • Chris: Well yeah – could there have been more snow this winter?….I live in Minneapolis and we had record snow this year and COLD!   I always tell my classes without them, I’d be 10 lbs heavier (ha, ha)  - The accountability of working out with someone else is key in the doldrums of winter…..I have to go to class because I’m teaching.  My members come because they are meeting other friends or it’s their habit.   Also – winter can require heavy lifting…..I wore my heart rate monitor shoveling after the first big snow and burned more calories than a normal hour long workout …..Lunging, squatting and lifting can prepare your body for all of the shoveling and plowing.    Also – snow shoeing is a crazy good workout- great way to strengthen your legs.

  • Belles: Now that spring and the warmer weather is around the corner, does your fitness program change with the seasons? (WISH we could join the outdoor bootcamp class!!!)
  • Chris: Absolutely!  I am a group fitness lover year round.  But I add a few outdoor boot camp classes to my weekly schedule in the spring/summer – there is something amazing about fresh air and nature — I love it.  I am also a runner and walker – I love to get outside….I shouldn’t live in cold weather but my kids love it!

  • Belles: What is your favorite exercise genre? (us too!!!)
  • Chris: That’s the problem – I love so many!!!  I love to kickbox, strength train, spin, yoga, Pilates….and then I love to run, walk, rollerblade and bike outside.

  • Belles: What does your typical exercise week look like?
  • Chris: I teach classes Monday – Thursday and Sundays when I’m home ….the problem is I travel so much so I have great co-workers who sub for me.  Once the weather is above 40 degrees, I try to do several outdoor workouts a week also.  I guess you could say that I exercise 1-2 hours a day when I’m home….but then most afternoons, you’ll find me at my computer typing, writing and doing paper work….When I‘m on the road, I allow myself rest days …and I’m not bothered by taking 1 or 2 days in a row off – my body needs it as I get older.   But more than 2 days in a row, I start to go nuts mentally!
  • Belles: How did you get started in the fitness industry and how did you know it was your “calling” to help others get fit & healthy?
  • Chris: I have been active my whole life – I have loved to exercise since grade school.  There were no health clubs when I was younger – so I was a runner and even in college after late nights….my roommate and I would run!    Once the craze of aerobics hit – I was hooked!!   I have been teaching since 1989.   I then found personal training and have loved sharing my knowledge and motivation with others.   I majored in Journalism in college – I knew I loved to communicate and I knew I loved fitness… I feel fortunate to put the two together and help others get healthy.
Thank you SO much Chris for sharing your thoughts & insights with us!!!! We are so excited to be able to benefit from your knowledge & know our readers are too! Learn more about Chris on:

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