
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fe Fit 90 Day Fitness Experience: Fe Fit Week One DVD Review

The Fe Fit weight loss program contains 8 DVDs featuring 28 workouts. The workouts, all 30 minutes or less are from seven different workout genres, keeping your muscles guessing & keeping your metabolism revved. This 13-week program is fun, convenient and provides a support group of other women. The meaning of the Fe in the program name comes from the periodic table of elements, FE is iron, which is strong! The set is broken down into weeks, so you can easily follow along with this fab & effective program. Stay tuned on my blog to read detailed reviews of all the workouts in this amazing set!
Fe Fit Week One
Hilary Chung, 2015
The Fe Fit Week One workouts are on disc one along with the Essentials workouts. Each workout is about 30 minutes each. Hilary leads all of these routines in a cute barre studio with 3 backgrounders, one who shows some modifications. You will need light weights & exercise tubing for some of the routines. Each of these routines contains a warm up and a cool down. 
Lower Body 1: Unweighted exercises include squats & pulsing squats, static squat & heel pumps, fast feet, side lying series (raises, sweeps, circles and toe taps), modified side plank leg raises clams, a lunge ladder from 20-5 reps. And a standing donkey series using a weight behind behind knee.

Core 1: Exercises include butterfly crunches, long leg bicycle, leg drops reverse crunches, flutter kicks, straight leg crunches, elevator planks, plank cross knee pull, plank to pike, Mt climber, bicycle, roll up to toe touch, toe reaches, double leg drops, double crunches, and double crunch with leg extensions.

Total Body Toning 1: Exercises include: plie & outer bi curl, side plank knee raise, band squats & overhead press, band kick backs, squat side step & upright row, abduction, lunges & bi curls, static lunge & single arm row, lunge & rear glute raise, oblique crunches, and single leg bridge.

I rate these workouts solid to high intermediates. Hillary wastes no time but these routines are not rushed. I like Hillary as a lead; she provides great motivation and form pointers. Lots of unique exercises and combos. Love that they include standing & floor work. Great variety on the DVD and I cant wait to jump into week 2. I received this DVD to review. 
Fe Fit Ultimate Kit Pictured Above
For More Information, Visit: 
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Fe Fit on YouTube
All of my Fe Fit Reviews

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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