
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Introducing Fe Fit 90 Day Fitness Experience

Fe Fit has created some of the best fitness DVDs for women! This weight loss program contains 8 DVDs featuring 28 workouts. The workouts, all 30 minutes or less are from seven different workout genres, keeping your muscles guessing & keeping your metabolism revved. This 13-week program is fun, convenient and provides a support group of other women. Fe Fit is full of variety that constantly mixes up your routine with quick transitions between exercises to keep you interested and keep your metabolism blazing. The meaning of the Fe in the program name comes from the periodic table of elements, FE is iron, which is strong! The set is broken down into weeks, so you can easily follow along with this fab & effective program. Stay tuned on my blog to read detailed reviews of all the workouts in this amazing set and read below for an intro to the set. 
The Fe Fit 90 Day Experience Kit Set Contains:
  • 28 fat workouts that are 30-minutes or less on 8 DVDs in one convenient cardboard case
  •  Flexible workout calendars that include multiple options, something for every busy lifestyle
  • 10 Fé Fit Steps to making healthy habits booklet 
  • 7 Fé Fit Essentials (approx. 13-minute intro videos to get you ready for the Experience)
  • Stay Accountable progress-tracking stickers for your Fe Fit Calendars
  • Measurement chart for updating body changes
  • Strength and Aerobic test tracker for measuring improvement

Videos from 7 fun and effective fitness genres:
  • Total Body Toning: High-intensity strength training that hits every set of muscles
  • Lower Body: Targeted exercises for toned legs and a firm, round butt
  • Upper Body: Arm, back, chest, and shoulder workouts for a balanced shape and confident posture
  • Cardio Circuit: Fat-melting, vigorous interval cardio sessions that improve endurance
  • Barre: Isolated exercises that contract specific muscle groups for targeted toning
  • Stretch Flow: Fe Fits version of yoga for flexibility while building strength
  • Core: Build strength from your core while creating a flat and sexy stomach

The program is designed for three workouts a week, 30 minutes each! Of course, they include alternate workout calendar options, but even those that can only commit to three 30 minute sessions a week can see results with Fe Fit. Commit to this 13 week program and you will be thrilled with your results. With so many fun and effective workouts, you will not get bored & you will see your hard work paying off in no time. 

Fe Fit offers the 90 Day Experience Kit detailed above, a Deluxe Kit & an Ultimate Kit. The Deluxe kit contains, in addition to the above, a pilates toning circle, light, medium, and heavy resistance bands, and a customized Fe Fit Nutrition Plan. The Ultimate Kit includes everything in the Deluxe kit AND a pink 6MM Yoga mat, 3 and 5 lb dumbbells, and Fe Fuel Protein & Energy protein bars (they are DELICIOUS, I tried them!) Below is a picture of the Ultimate Kit- everything you need to get in your best shape, have fun, 
Fe Fit Ultimate Kit Pictured Above
For More Information, Visit: 
Fe Fit on the Web
Fe Fit on Facebook
Fe Fit on Twitter
Fe Fit on Instagram
Fe Fit on YouTube
All of my Fe Fit Reviews

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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