
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

FitFusion: Jillian Michaels Tone & Shred Workout Series Review

FitFusion is an online streaming workout site that has SO MANY fab workout options from instructors we know & love. FitFusion gives you JNL Fusion, Jillian Michaels, Mike Donavanik, Jennifer Galardi, Ilyse Baker, Andrea Orbeck, Zuska Light, Viveca Jensen, and SO MANY more! They offer strength workouts, cardio, cycling, ballet, yoga, pilates, dance and MORE! Seriously this is variety wider than my own DVD collection- which you know is vast. 

FitFusion: Tone & Shred
Karena, Katrina, & Jillian

There are 3 workouts in the Tone & Shred series. Each instructor leads one workout. The ladies work out in a white studio with fun workout outfits. You will need light weights and an optional mat for these routines. Modifications up and down are offered for many exercises.

Tone & Shred Bikini Booty: Katrina leads this 24 min LB routine using light dumbbells. After a warm up, exercises include lunge & butt kick, skater, side to side curtsy lunge, goblet squat pulses, surrenders with a lean back heel taps, donkey kicks to stand & knee raise, plyo lunge & squats, reverse plank and leg raise, prone flutter kicks, balance runner, tripod booty squeeze, butt kicks to plyo donkey, toe bridges, balance 1 leg squat series and a cool down & stretch.

Tone & Shred Abs: Jillian leads this 24 min core cardio routine using light weights. After a warm up, exercises include lunge & dumbbell pass, sumo stance oblique work, weighted high knee run, halo & squat, side lunge chop & knee pull, supine wiper drops, side lying long lever oblique crunches, side plank hip drop, burpee or ninja jumps, down to up dog, sit up to plank knee pull, plyo gorilla wolks, supine leg scissors, supine leg climb and a stretch.

Tone & Shred Total Body: Karena leads this 24 min body weight & light dumbbell strength & cardio routine. Each 5 exercise (4 toning & 1 cardio) circuit is repeated 2 times. After a warm up, exercises include plank shoulder & toe taps, plank shifts with a knee pull, superman dumbbell pass, crab to L sit, crab kicks, burpee up to row, plank to side plank knee pull, long jump down to burpee pushups, twisting Mt. climbers, boat to conoe, 3 way pendulum lunges with bi curls & overhead press, windmill to KB swing,good morning with overhead press & press-out, warrior 2 - 3 with bi -tri, roll back to standing star jump, and a stretch.

These routines range from high intermediate to advanced. The Tone & Shred series is available exclusively on FitFusion! These are the circuit routines that we know & love from Jillian, you do 3 circuits of exercises and perform each circuit 2 times. Katrina & Karena offer very different personalities than Jillian, very giggly, bubbly, and light hearted. Each exercise is quick so you wont get bored. Lots of variety, I received this workout to review.

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I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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