
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

REVIEW: Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30-Minutes to Fitness Strength & Stamina

30-Minutes to Fitness Strength & Stamina 
Kelly Coffey-Meyer, 2015

This DVD has 2 thirty minute workouts, plenty of premixes, and a bonus 22 min step routine! The menu offers a separate warm up & cool down, making it easy to string together workouts. You will need dumbbells & an optional kettlebell for these workouts (and a step for the bonus routine). Kelly works out in a nice studio with 4 backgrounders.

Workout One: The routine is pretty non-stop and you perform about 12 reps of each exercise. You will perform 2 exercises three times each with a KB move in between. Exercises include reverse pec deck, squats, KB swing variations, plyo lunges, supination curls, military press, deadlift, balance tri extensions, bridge and a stretch.

Workout Two: The routine is pretty non-stop. You will perform 2 exercises three times each with a KB move in between. Exercises include lateral arm circles, squat jumps, KB swing variations, side & reverse bi curls, front to back lunges, front & lat raise, speed skater, kickback combo, weighted pop squats, bridge pulses, and a stretch.

I rate these solid to high intermediates that are easy to make more or less challenging by adjusting your poundage. I found the pace of the workouts allowed for heavier weights so I could really give it my all and not be rushed. Kelly provides excellent form pointers, cuing, and motivation. This will definitely get a lot of use! I received this DVD to review.

For More Information, Visit: 
CoffeyFit on the web
CoffeyFit on Facebook
CoffeyFit on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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