
Friday, February 3, 2017

FitFusion Review: Mike Donavanik's Extreme Burn Ripped

FitFusion is an online streaming workout site that has SO MANY fab workout options from instructors we know & love. FitFusion gives you JNL Fusion, Jillian Michaels, Mike Donavanik, Jennifer Galardi, Ilyse Baker, Andrea Orbeck, Zuska Light, Viveca Jensen, and SO MANY more! They offer strength workouts, cardio, cycling, ballet, yoga, pilates, dance and MORE! Seriously this is variety wider than my own DVD collection- which you know is vast. 
Stay tuned for detailed reviews of FitFusion workouts on the blog.

Extreme Burn: Ripped
Mike Donavanik

There are three approximately 30-36 minute Ripped workouts. You will need dumbbells and a mat. Mike works out with 2 backgrounders, one showing easier modifications and  Mike even offers some super advanced options for some exercises. Each workout contains a warm up & cool down.

Workout 1: Exercises in this body weight & cardio routine are performed for 60 seconds each, cardio is two 30 second exercises and abs 30 seconds each. Exercises include squat round kick, squat elbow to knee hitch kicks, tri dips, crab elbow to knee pull, skater jump to dip, long jump - burpee - pushup - shuffle back, diagonal knee climbers, plank donkey kick heel claps, burpee to side kick & 180 jumps, pushup & tri pushups, leg drop crunches, and runner stiups. Very advanced.

Workout 2: Each exercise is done for one min (ab work 30 seconds each) with little rest between. This is a fast paced strength routine using lighter moderate weights (8-10#s). Exercises include squat and knee & single arm overhead press. overhead tri drop  & calf raise, side lunge & row - knee & overhead press adding a hop, torso twist, pivot lunge to overhead push, elevator planks, bi curls to sprinter curls, torso twist & pivot, skater picking up & putting down your dumbbell, pushup side plank with row & press, 180 burpee jumps, crunch variations, figure 4 double crunch, bicycle and you repeat the ab work. High Intermediate

Workout 3: Each exercise is done for one min (ab work 30 seconds each) with little rest between. this is a strength routine with a great cardio effect, using 10-15 lb weights. Exercises include squat pivot & overhead press, dip -pass through to lunge & overhead press, travelling pushups, plank knee pull & glute raise, static lunge row & knee pull adding a hop, side lunge to curtsy and curl, burpee pushup to squat & clean and press, surrenders, plie & upright row to windmill, crouching pushup to half burpee, weighted V ups, V cross toe touch, Russian twists, boat hold with overhead & press out. Solid advanced.

These workouts range from high intermediate to very advanced. They all had me huffing and puffing and really feeling the burn. Lots of great combo moves that Mike leads you right through. Great instruction & form pointers make this easy to follow. These 30 minute routines really pack a punch- Mike is super innovative & super tough! I have been wanting to try Mikes newer routines and lucky me, there are quite a few of his workouts on FitFusion. I received these routines to review.

For More Information, Visit: 
Read all of my FitFusion Reviews here
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I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to


  1. I have been a fit fusion member for almost 2 years and Mike Donavanik's workouts are my favorite. I went to do one today and discovered that his workouts are no longer on Fit Fusion. I can't find any explanation and there were no warnings from Fit Fusion. I am so disappointed.

  2. Oh that’s too bad!!! I wonder if he ended his. Interact with them? I know he has an active FB page. You could try reaching out to him there if you don’t get a response from fit fusion
