Cathe Friedrich, 2014
Cathe works out with 4 backgrounders for this 52 minute strength workout. The DVD focuses on the back, biceps, and rear delt muscles and includes both bonus ab workouts, a ton of premixes, and is fully chaptered. You will need dumbbells, an optional barbell, a step with risers, and an exercise band for this workout. Cathe works each muscle with 3 exercises, a max of 12 reps per exercise, a finisher, and a short rest before moving to the next muscle group.
After a warm up, back work includes: one arm row, barbell rows & band pulls, ribcage pullover, overhand grip row & band pull down, single arm row, seated pulls. Rear delt: rear delt fly, diagonal band pulls, lying rear delt raise, T band pull. Biceps: varied grip curls, crazy 8 bi's, hammers, outer bi curls, concentrated curls and a cool down & stretch.
This is an advanced workout! You can really heavy up and Cathe tells you the poundage she is using. Cathe provides great tips & posture reminders right when you need them. Love the heavy isolated strength work included in the set. I did not receive this DVD to review.
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I purchased this DVD from the Cathe website. I have received review material from them in the past but not this set, which I purchased . Just posting my review so others can enjoy :) I have worked with this vendor on review opportunities in the past. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to lindsey8.blogspot.com.
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