I recently had the pleasure of reviewing Julie Rammal's new In Light of Change DVD (here) and am excited to have had the opportunity to interview her as well. Julie founded JSport, her California studio in 2000. It originally started as a personal training firm that offered personal training services and later expanded to offering Pilates and Yoga. Currently, JSport provides online and in person: expert holistic sessions and consultations in: Ayurveda, Alternative and complimentary medicine, Anti-aging, Personal training, Pilates, Fitness, Detox, Nutrition, Weight loss, Movement therapy, Yoga, Pilates, Sound and Crystal therapy and much more. Learn more about Julie below.
Lindsey: I love that your fitness style embraces a holistic approach. What can you share with us about this approach.
Julie: Thank you. My holistic fitness approach involves connecting you to your billion dollar empire, which is your body. When you train and connect your body, mind, and soul you will have a deeper and more effective workout that will keep you younger, firmer, slimmer and healthier. The movements are based on: aerobics, pilates, primal moves, stretching and more. This approach allows us to honor and move our body the way it was designed to do for centuries. I believe children are the most inspiring beings that we should learn from them. This is why I dedicated this dvd to my kids- Jovan and Angelina who have inspired me all along. “When you are connected to you, you can achieve miracles.” Julie
Julie: God inspired me throughout the whole dvd, it is God’s work and nature is always beautiful.
Lindsey: Your new DVD In Light of Change, covers a lot of genres, is this typical of your normal workout? If not, what do you do to stay in such good shape?
Julie: Yes, this my typical workout. It definitely involves a lot of genres which includes the best
of my experience from training worldwide with athletes, dancers, gymnasts, boxers, martial artists, runners, yogis, and many more. This workout keeps one mentally, physically and spiritually strong and connected. I believe the way we move, breathe, train defines how our journey in this lifetime may be. The secret to staying in shape is just moving and think about the gain and not so much of the pain.
Lindsey: What is the best piece of health or fitness advice you can offer to my readers?
Julie: Connect and love yourself.
Julie: Boxing is a super powerful sport that requires coordination, focus, endurance, power, speed, and the desire to get up every time you are knocked down. As the opening of the DVD: In Light of Change mentions, life is made for the strong. Incorporating boxing in our fitness routines allows you to have a complete cardiovascular workout that will give you the upper and lower body, and core training to stay in shape. It will help you reduce stress and make you mentally and physically stronger.
For More Information, Visit:
JSport on the web
JSport on Facebook
JSport on Instagram
JSport on Twitter
I have worked with Julie previously and received samples of therproducts to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to lindsey8.blogspot.com.
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