NEW From New Shoot Pictures and Tara Lee is a fabulous 4 DVD set containing over 340 minutes of footage all led by Tara Lee. This set provides you with all the yoga you need to feel and look your best. It includes morning routines, evening routines, stretching, rejuvenating yoga, yoga for relaxation, and so much more. If you are a yogi -this is a must have set! The DVDs all come together in a convenient DVD case that holds all 4 discs securely.
Tara Lee, 2017
This DVD contains three 22 minute yoga routines, a 5 min savasna, and bonus material. You will not need any equipment for these routines. Tara works out alone in the English countryside with a grassy pond behind her.
Earth Foundation Practice 1: Postures include seated breathing adding neck & arm movements, back & shoulder stretches, torso circles, childs pose, kneeling side bend series, bird dog, table top hip circle series, down dog series, forward fold, rag doll, and Mt. pose.
Earth Foundation Practice 2: Postures include Mt pose, chair, forward bend, modified flow, plank childs pose, forward fold, plank to down dog, warrior 1, pigeon, seated twist, plie series, tree, standing torso twists, and standing breath work.
Earth Foundation Practice 3: Postures include modified flow, warrior 1, warrior 2, triangle pose, plank, down dog, modified up dog, forward fold, supine low back work, up dog, childs pose, camel, dandasna, seated forward fold, bridge, lying twist, lying legs up the wall, and concludes with corpse pose.
These are beginner routines that are suitable for all fitness levels and Tara provide modification suggestions if needed. Each routine flows to the next so you can play all or break up the routines from the chapter menu. This DVD is the starter of the set - and a great place to start. I received this DVD to review.
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