Monday, February 4, 2019

Replenish & Re-energize With KAQUN​ Oxygen-Rich Water

KAQUN​ is oxygen-rich water that ​replenishes and reenergizes.  KAQUN is not just pure drinking water, it’s a unique oxygen delivery system for your body. Oxygen is important for health, vitality, immunity and longevity. KAQUN water replenishes oxygen deprived cells in our bodies and provides energy and replenishes our bodies! I love it after a tough workout, an evening of drinking, or anytime you need a boost! It is also perfect for travelling when you may need an extra oxygen boost and revitalization. In addition to KAQUNs drinking water they also offer an amazing oxygen rich gel. With use, your skin becomes RENEWED, REPLENISHED, and RADIANT. Keep reading to learn  more. 

KAQUN uses a proprietary process where hydrogen is released while oxygen is retained partially as free oxygen, and partially bound oxygen to the water. The end result makes KAQUN the only water that can deliver sustained oxygen directly to your cells for hours after consumption. KAQUN water replenishes oxygen deprived cells by migrating clusters of oxygen directly to hypoxic cells. These bound chains of oxygen are not only quickly absorbed to re-energize cells, but continue dispersing oxygen to cells long after consumption.

Oxygen deficiency is a direct precursor to nearly all illnesses and disease and our bodies are not getting anywhere near the required levels of oxygen needed for peak health, vitality, immunity and longevity. When you lack this necessary oxygen, the condition is known as hypoxia. The widespread result of a body's cellular hypoxia ultimately leads to the occurrence of cell injury, and irreversible cell death. 

  • Advance Your Level of Fitness - Simply put, oxygenated cells produce more energy, and when sustained, that equates to improved physical performance for longer periods of time. Prepare your body for its peak level of athletic performance with KAQUN!
  • Invest in Your Wellness - Maintaining peak mental, physical and spiritual health is an investment in you. Approach it at a cellular level with KAQUN. Its mission is to ensure your body's cells and immune system can sustain the fight against diseases which can often be instigated through the effects of hypoxia brought about by genetics, illness, or age.
  • Keep Up With Your Lifestyle - We lead busy lifestyles that can be increasingly demanding on our bodies. Because KAQUNensures that our body's cells receive the oxygen they need, we can improve our youthfulness with physical activities, and our physical appearances by remaining healthy.

You can experience this product in three different forms (two of which are available for personal consumption): bottled oxygen-rich drinking water, with KAQUN’s line of skin absorbing gel (which may immediately help with rashes, cold sores as well as wrinkles, burns, sunburn, acne and more) and as a whole-body immersion bath at their spa outlets. There are no side effects from receiving the oxygen properties and the water is chemical and toxin-free. Seize the profound KAQUN advantage a nd don’t just drink your water, drink your oxygen!

OXYGEN RICH NATURAL KAQUN GEL accelerates the skin's essential healing process, revitalizes your skin and helps reduce wrinkles and signs of aging. When the oxygen content of the skin increases, the repair mechanism within your skin is replenished and renewed.

Reasons I LOVEV KAQUN Gel:
  • No Chemicals or Artificial Additives
  • Fragrance Free
  • Non-Greasy
  • Recommended for all skin types, even the most sensitive
  • May be effective against....
  • Age Marks
  • Wrinkles
  • Rashes
  • Acne
  • General fatigue of the skin
  • Cuts and wounds
  • Sunburn recovery
For More Information, Visit: 
KAQUN on the web
KAQUN on Instagram
KAQUN on Facebook
KAQUN on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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