Hemalayaa, Violet Zaki, Kristin McGee, Desi Bartlett, Petra Kolber, 2009
This dvd is comprised of five 20 minute workouts that are compiled from other dvds. There is a yoga, pilates, strength, cardio, and dance segment. You will need dumbbells for the strength segment but no other equipment is required. You can play all or select a workout, there is no mix & match option.
Cardio: Petra Kolber, Cardio For Beginners. This is a basic but fun cardio segment led by Petra in a living room type set w/ 2 b/gers. The athletic cardio routine is built add-on style and includes grape vine,, ham curls, power squats, punches, V steps, etc. Petras a great lead w/ good cueing. I rate this section high beginner but easy to modify up.
Yoga: Hemalayaa, ?. The set is really cool: screens & pillows & candles. This routine is more "spiritual" or mind/body than the yoga work Ive done in the past. She talks about digestion & does some breaths while sticking you tongue out & you will make some noises while working. I liked the instructor & enjoyed being introduced to this type of yoga.
Dance: Desi Bartlett, Dance & Be Fit: Latin Groove. This is an easy to follow Latin dance routine set in a nice outdoor gazebo w/ 2 b/gers. The moves consist of salsa variations, hip rolls, African walk, grapevine, and some of the moves work your core. The workout is actually super fun but the instructor giggles a lot and has a slightly annoying voice. Its also voice over. I rate this section high beginner.
Strength: Violet Zaki, Cardio Strength. Violet leads w/ 2 b'gers (1 shows modifications) in a really cute Asain-esque set. The workout is 50/50 cardio and strength. You do a strength segment then a cardio segment. The first 10 minutes is standing followed by 10 minutes of floor work. The strength work includes: military press w/ side leg left, some unweighted lower body work, and some floor work- donkey kicks, V sits w/ biceps, brideg w/ pec fly, plank-pushup- pike combo, etc. The cardio work includes: shuffle, Mt. climbers, knee repeaters, etc. I like Violet as a lead- good cueing. I rate this section intermediate.
Pilates: Kristin McGee, Weight Loss Pilates. The set alternates an indoor set (actually the same set used in Violets section) and a beautiful outdoor garden gazebo. I really liked the structure of this w/o- it alternated slightly ballet inspired pilates segmetns with cardio segments, so it was quite active. You start with marches w/ big arm movements, kicks, and some plyo hops, then you move to the floor for some ab work: C-curves, rope climb, frog legs, hundres, roll ups, toe touches, leg circles, V-sit variations, criss cross, etc. You repeat the earlier cardio section and finish on the floor with more ab & lower body work: tick tock, bridge series, heel beat w/ legs extended, single leg teaser, etc. I like this section but Kristin is not my favorite. I would say this is a high intermediate. Acacia sent me this dvd for my review.
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