Cindy leads this 45ish minute workout with 4 other exercisers. Cindy and another lady show advanced options, 1 exerciser shows beginner, and 1 intermediate. They use a 4# med ball, dumbbells, jumprope, and a stability ball. Someone shows the moves using no props, or they suggest an alternative. They are working out on a back patio w/ a nice pool in the background. Its a very nice set. The workout is divided up into segments w/ a screen that comes up introducing the next segment. The dvd is chaptered. You repeat the moves in each section 3 or so times.
Warmup Stretch: some cardio moves and some stretching get you started.
Cardio: First is various jump rope moves for one minute. She does some fancy stuff but says to do whatever you want. One guy doesnt use a rope at all. Then you pick up your medball and do a jack while throwing the ball overhead, a side to side squat, jumping back and forth over the jumprope. You do the sequence 3 times.
Shoulder Weights: Using dumbbells they do upright rows, overhead pulse, lateral raises and rotator cuffs. Repeat a few times.
Cardio: You start with blowouts (burpees), then you jump back and forth with your med ball between your knees, and then do a football shuffle/quick feet, This section is tough!
Biceps: With dumbbells, alternating bicep curls, both weights in one hand concentration curls, and a few other bicep curl variations.
Cardio Toning: Repeater legs to the side and back, scissor jumps, pushups, Mt. climbers, shuffle squats while putting down and picking up med ball , ab twists while holding med ball, side lunge w/ a leg lift. Another tough segment!
Toning: All on the stability ball: (one modifier does the moves on the floor) frog leg lifts, flutter legs, shins on the ball-pulling legs in, oblique crunches w/ med ball on chest, twists, dips off the ball with the med ball between knees (one modifier uses a stair, one on the floor), tricep extensions w/ the med ball. Then there are some side reaches not on the ball.
Cool Down Stretch: led by someone else. I didnt do this segment.
I would say this is a low advanced or high intermediate workout: jumproping, blowouts, and alot of the cardio moves she did were real calorie burners. You could definately heavy up on the dumbbells and use a heavier med ball for the toning moves. The toning segments arent all that long though and there isnt a a lot of weighted lower body work. What I often do is use medium/ light dumbbells and stick w/ the lighter med ball and use this for a cardio day.
I really like that there are 3 different modifiers so you really have your choice of what you want to do. I wish more workouts included both a beginner and an advanced modifier. Love Cindy, one of my favorite instructors- great personality and cueing. She always includes fresh and fun moves to keep the w/o interesting.
Head on over to Natural Journeys and take advantage of the 25% discount code! Want to win a copy of Cindy's Ultra Fat Burning Workout? Enter here!
I learned that they carry quite a few DVDs that are hard to find!
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ReplyDeleteI would love to try The Ultimate Fat Burning Workout you are giving away!
ReplyDeleteI learned that Natural Journeys carries an interesting selection of workout DVDs, including Tai Chi, yoga and meditation.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of The Ultra Fat Burning Workout because I'm a sucker for med ball workouts!
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ReplyDeleteThey have a nice selection of DVDS and some I haven't heard of.
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ReplyDeleteThis looks like a great workout..... would love to do this workout. Need that fat burner....
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I learned that they are located in San Francisco, CA.
ReplyDeletelithiumchn at gmail dot com
I like it because it's by Cindy and 45min - perfect length,
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ReplyDeleteI'd like to try Cindy's Fat Blasting Bootcamp.
ReplyDeleteI learned that they offer acupressure massage DVDs.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try their Bellydance Fitness for Weight Loss series; sounds fun!
ReplyDeleteAnother great giveaway! I learned that Natural Journeys has many of Tamilee Webb's workouts.
ReplyDeletefitkitty1 at gmail dot com
What I like about this workout is the stability ball section.
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I would choose Cindy's Total Body Sculpt.
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I learned that you can lose weight by doing bellydancing
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I like that this workout has a segment for toning because that's something I'm interested in doing.
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gfc follower giveawayinfo
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I would like to try Tamilee Webb's Tighter Assets: Cardio Blast
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I learned that they currently have a sale of 25% off their entire catalog. With your special discount code that's quite a deal!
I would like to try Tamilee Webb's I Want that Body.
I'm interested in this workout because I love Cindy Whitmarsh as a lead!
I follow your blog!
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