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This dvd was generously donated by Advanced Workouts DVDs. Simply Circuit is led by an all time favorite, Gin Miller! Advanced Workouts DVDs is THE source for advanced level fitness dvds of all genres: yoga, pilates, cardio, strength, circuit, you name it! Advanced Workout DVDs offers FREE shipping on US orders $19.00 & over and international orders $50 & over.

Today's Review: Simply Circuit
Gin Miller, 2003
This is a 63 minute workout led by Gin, who works out alone in a nice space w/ hardwood floors and some glass & pillars in the background. You will need dumbbells and a step for this workout. The workout is mostly cardio but includes some short toning segments. The dvd is broken down in to two 30ish minute workouts-one floor and one step.
All the moves in this dvd are straight forward, no brainers. No-one should have any real problems catching on to this one. The workout is built using add-on style, so you learn a move and then add on. She will introduce a move and have you watch first and then join in later- which is a bit odd, but not a huge deal.
Some of the cardio moves include: punches, bunny hops, step touches, shuffle, over the top, L-step, jogging in place, running onto the step. Some of the strength moves include: military press, tricep dips off the step, V sit variations, and some other upper body work. There really isnt much lower body weight work.
I would rate this workout an intermediate. It can easily be done back to back for an hour long cardio workoutor broken down into two 30 minute workouts. Gins cueing is very good and she is an upbeat and cheerful lead. The strength work really isnt enough to count for much so I would probably use this a cardio w/o and use the strength segments as little breaks by using lighter poundage.
Head on over to Advanced Workouts DVDs now to shop for this or many other workouts! Or you can win a copy of this workout by entering here:
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Optional Bonus Entries: (after completing mandatory entry above):
- 10 Entries: Purchase something from Advanced Workouts DVDs THIS WEEK and tell me what you bought.
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Entries will be accepted until 11:59 pm on Monday, Nov 15 and the winner will be selected using random number generator and annouced on Nov 16. Contest open to EVERYONE!
I received a sample of this product to review and then give away. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own.
I like that Gin works the upper body with weights!
ReplyDeleteI just learned that the site existed. I had never heard of it before!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog too!
ReplyDeleteI love that the DVD mixes cardio and weights!
ReplyDeleteI learned that they have opened DVDs deals, which is great!
ReplyDeleteI would love to try Mark Blanchard's Progressive Power Yoga series.
ReplyDeleteI entered your Natural Journeys giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI learned that they're based in South Thomaston, ME. They have workouts from a lot of popular instructors.
ReplyDeletelithiumchn at gmail dot com
I like the simple athletic moves of this DVD.
ReplyDeletealready a follower
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try Michelle Dozois' Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn
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ReplyDeleteI learnt that Advanced Workouts is a good source for gliding DVDs - never noticed that before! susan1 at cyberone dot com dot au
ReplyDeleteI like that Simply Circuit is split into two 30-minute workouts.
ReplyDeleteI already follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try "In Pursuit of Happy Hips".
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ReplyDeleteI learned that this workout is on sale at Advanced Workouts. Rhonda
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ReplyDeleteI enterd the Natural Journeys giveaway. Rhonda
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot since I had never visited their web site before. One thing I learned in particular is that they have a Clearance Items section. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteWhat I like about the workout is that it is intermediate level. I would really like to win this one - another great giveaway, Lindsey!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog!
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ReplyDeleteI signed up for their newsletter #2. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com
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ReplyDeleteI think I'd like to try Step Pump with Tonya Larson.
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