Today's Workout:
-Element Power Yoga
-EasySculpt For Quick Core
-EasySculpt Abs, Hips, & Thighs
*total w/o time 60 min
I did both EasySculpt workouts this morning and am writing up the reviews right now. They will be up later this week! For more info in the meantime, here is the link.
Today's Tip: Heart Healthy Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has traditionally suffered a bad rap due to its high levels of saturated fat content, but is in fact heart healthy. Studies have shown that coconut oil raises good cholesterol, without raising bad cholesterol. There's a significant property of coconut oil that distinguishes it from other sources of saturated fat and contributes to its health benefits. Coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids. Research shows that medium-chain fats in coconut oil actually protect against heart disease. More on Yahoo here.
Today's Review: Element Power Yoga
Ashley Turner, 2010
This is a 60 minute yoga routine led by Ashley with no background exercisers. Ashley works out outdoors in a beautiful outdoor garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean. There are tons of trees, flowers, and lush greenery! You won't need any props for this workout. The dvd is voice-over and the music is very nice.
This yoga routine is very flowing and is definatley more mind/ body than athletic in nature. The pace is moderate and the moves are flowing. You will focus on breath work and proper pose posture. In the beginning, Ashley has you set your intention for the workout and you refocus on that intention throughout the routine. The intention portion is almost like a prayer and she talks about focusing your energy/ harnessing your inner power throughout the workout.
The routine has plenty of sun salutation variations- including chair, swan dive, warrior 1, 2, & 3, runners lunge, full bridge, Mt. pose, childs pose, cobra, down-dog, up-dog, crescent pose, deep lunge w/ arm rolls, neck rolls, yoga pushups, balance pose, reverse warrior, and the routine concludes with a stretch.
There is also a nice core routine in the middle of the routine and includes: double leg lift, cat-cow, side planks, V sits, low hover, bicycle V sits, yoga bicycle, butterfly/clam oblique work, leg pulls, etc.
I would rate this an intermediate yoga routine that includes a nice core work section. If you are a fan of mind/body yoga you will really enjoy this routine. Ashley is very good with form pointers and her cuing is superb; she is obviously a very seasoned instructor. The dvd is easy to do as a whole or break it up if youre short on time. I received this dvd from Anchor Bay to review.
Today's Bargain:
-Enter to win a Barbar 1900 Cordless Combo Retail $145 on Little Yaya's here
Today's LOLz:
I gave you an award on my blog :)