Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Giveaway: Jeanette Jenkins Power Yoga!!

This giveaway is now over. Please check out other Fitness For The Rest of Us giveaways by clicking on the "giveaways" tab on my left sidebar.

Keep reading to find out how you can win a copy of Jeanette Jenkins Power Yoga dvd! This dvd is courtesy of Jeanette Jenkins herself!!!! I am a HUGE fan of Jeanettes workouts. I absolutely LOVE Bikini Bootcamp and Blast the Belly Fat isn't far behind! So its no surprise that I thouroughly enjoyed her Power Yoga dvd. She also sent me a copy of Blast the Belly Fat to review; (of course) I already own my own copy-so I will use it for a future giveaway for you all!

Today's Review: Power Yoga
Jeanette Jenkins, 2010

This is a 83 minute power yoga workout that is chaptered very well- so you can pick & choose which portions you want to do that day. Jeanette works out with 2 b/g exercises in a spacious room w/ hardwood floors and curtained windows. You wont need any props for this w/o.

This is a very "feel good" positive yoga workout without being "spiritual" or too mind/body. She starts with a quick meditation moment where you focus on something positive- being happy for example- what a great way to start the day! She then goes through a quick check of all your body parts to get yourself in tune for the w/o you are about to do & to check for stress and soreness.

The chapters are: 1) Introduction, 2) Breathing, Warm Up, Intention, 3) Vinyasa flows (I really enjoyed

this section & found it very unique), 4) Power flow sequences, 5) Floor work: abs, lower back, hit & chest openers and 6) Plough, shoulder stance and final relaxation. Each segment flows perfectly into the next so you can easily complete the entire w/o or as many segments as you would like.

Some of the moves include: plank w/ knee pull, down dog, chataranga, chair pose, a unique smooth flowing vinyasa segment, cresent pose, twisted chair, warrior variations, wrap, cat cow, boat, 2 sets of 50 ab bicycles, shoulder bridge , pigeon, rolling like a ball, happy baby pose, shoulder stands (TOUGH!), spinal rotation, and corpse pose.

I would rate this a high intermediate yoga workout that is fast moving and did warm my body up! I enjoyed the unique combinations of poses and appreciate Jeanettes excellent cueing-she offers perfect breath cues. She is a great lead and I been more than pleased with all her workouts. The dvd is very versatile and great to use in its entirety or to add to other workouts.

Want a copy of this dvd for yourself? Head on over to Jeanettes Hollywood Trainer website and pick yourself up a copy! Want to win a copy? Enter here:

Mandatory Entry: Head on over to Jeanette's website and tell me which (other) dvd you most want to try along with your email address. And remember two entries = two seperate comments so leave seperate comments for each entry- that means you will leave ten separate comments for purchasing something from Jeanette and three separate comments for signing up for her newsletter.

Optional Entries (after completing the mandatory entry above):
  • 10 Entries: Purchase something from Jeanette THIS WEEK and tell me what you bought
  • 2 Entries: Like Jeanette on facebook
  • 2 Entries: Leave a comment on her Facebook wall telling her that I sent you
  • 1 Entry: Follow my blog via GFC (click "follow")
  • 2 Entries: Follow Win, Lose, or Blog
  • 10 Entries: Apply to be a season 3 contesten on Win, Lose, or Blog here
  • 3 Entries per button: Display my button or the Win, Lose, or Blog button on your blog
  • 5 Entries: Re-blog about this giveaway and leave a link (leave 5 comments) 
  • 1 Entry: Leave me a comment telling what you like about the workout (review above)
  • 1 Per Tweet: Tweet about this giveaway w/ a link to my blog (up to 1X per day)
  • 1 Entry: Follow Jeanette on twitter.
  • 1 Entry: Follow me on twitter
  • 2 Entries: Enter any of my other current giveaways here.
  • 1 Entry: Check out her website and tell me something you learned
  • 3 Entries: Sign up for Jeanettes newsletter (midway down on right here).
Entries will be accepted until 11:59 pm on Wednesday, Dec 15 and the winner will be selected using random.org random number generator and annouced on Dec 16. Remember 2 entries = 2 seperate comments. Contest open to EVERYONE. Good luck!

I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I can not be held responsible for shipping errors, postage errors, damage in transit, or undelivered prizes.


  1. I would love to try her Blast Belly Fat Workout! koerner77@yahoo.com

  2. I follow your blog.

  3. I follow Win, Lose, or Blog too!

  4. I love that the workout is a fast moving yoga- I hate it slow!

  5. I follow you on twitter.

  6. I entered your Martial Fusion Workout.

  7. I entered your Fruit of the Loom giveaway.

  8. I entered your Chris Freytag workout giveaway.

  9. I joined Jeanette's mailing list.

  10. I learned that Jeanette went to the University of Ottawa.

  11. Hollywood Trainer Yoga looks good.

  12. I like that the workout is Yoga!

  13. I learned that Jeanette's website has video clips for her DVDs.

  14. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter.

  15. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter.

  16. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter.

  17. I would love to try the 21-day Total Body Circuit. susan1 at cyberone dot com dot au

  18. I already follow "Win, Lose or Blog" (1)

  19. I already follow "Win, Lose or Blog" (2)

  20. I entered your Martial Fusion Workout give-away

  21. I entered your Martial Fusion Workout give-away. (2)

  22. I like that the DVD is chaptered so you can use segments as add-ons.

  23. I learnt that Jeanette has trained Serena Williams (wow!)

  24. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter (1)

  25. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter (2)

  26. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter (3)

  27. I'd also like to try the Cardio Dance DVD
    jbnoonan at hotmail dot com

  28. also following Jeanette on Twitter

  29. I like that the workout is well chaptered!

  30. I learned her workouts were workouts have been featured on Oprah.com

  31. i "liked" Jeannete on Facebook

  32. also entered Rockin Body giveaway

  33. also entered Rockin Body giveaway

  34. I'd also like Cardio Dance

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  35. I would like to try the Sexy Arms, Abs and Legs DVD. sariade@yahoo.com

  36. I already follow your blog via GFC with my google account. sariade@yahoo.com

  37. I already follow Win, Lose or Blog.

  38. 2. I already follow Win, Lose or Blog.

  39. I like that Power Yoga is a tough and positive workout without being spiritual.

  40. 1. I entered the Fruit of the Loom giveaway

  41. 2. I entered the Fruit of the Loom giveaway

  42. I learned Jeanette is Canadian and grew up in public housing. Very inspiring that she's made it so far!

  43. 1. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter.

  44. 2. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter.

  45. 3. I signed up for Jeanette's newsletter.

  46. I'd love to try her Blast the Belly Fat next. I have a couple of Jeanette's dvds and I'm a big fan. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  47. I follow your blog via GFC. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  48. I follow Win Lose or Blog. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  49. I follow Win Lose or Blog #2. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  50. What I like about this workout is that it's long and well chaptered - I would get a lot of use out of it. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  51. I entered your Chris Freytag giveaway. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  52. I learned that Jeanette was on Dr. Oz. I watch him a lot and I'm disappointed I missed that show. I hope I catch it again in reruns. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  53. I joined Jeanette's mailing list. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  54. I joined Jeanette's mailing list #2. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  55. I joined Jeanette's mailing list #3. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  56. I entered your Chris Freytage giveaway #2. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  57. I would also like to try the other yoga dvd (It looks like it is just called Yoga)

  58. I liked Jeanette on Facebook! Kitty FitKitty

  59. I liked Jeanette on Facebook! #2 Kitty FitKitty

  60. I wrote on Jeanette's wall that you sent me. Kitty FitKitty

  61. I wrote on Jeanette's wall that you sent me #2. Kitty FitKitty

  62. Would like to try her Pilates DVD...am definitely looking for one to do at home!

    wolverina401 at gmail dot com
