Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cathe Friedrich Ripped with HiiT Review: Low Impact HiiT One & Two

Cathe Friedrich's Ripped with HiiT: Low Impact HiiT One & Two
Cathe Friedrich, 2014

This DVD contains 2 low impact HiiT workouts, the 2 bonus ab work outs, a ton of premixes, and is fully chaptered. Cathe works out with 4 background exercisers in a nice studio set with the view of the city. You will need a mat as a marker (step) & dixie cups for workout one, and light dumbbells for workout number 2. Each workout contains a warm up & cool down.

Low Impact HiiT One (28 min): Each exercise is performed 2X each with very little rest. Exercises include: cardio sumos, jump shot & knee repeater, shuffle floor touch, zig-zag up & over, step up & over mat, forward lean & lunge dixies to floor, out & in run, hi lo jabs, diagonal tap out & floor touch, forward lean & jump shot, lean back catches & volley forward, and low surfer burpees.

Low Impact HiiT Two (29 min): Exercises include: 180 apple picker jumps, squat dumbbell to knee pull, Mt climbers, weighted pulse squat & abduct, travle side lunges weight down to overhead press, grounded 180 sumos, squat kick -squat dip, front to back lunge & reach down & dumbbell pass, weighted traveling bob & weave, step back fast burpees, marching weighted sumos, ice breakers & side elbow strike, plank with fast cross kicks, and windmill & tap outs.

These are advanced routines without the impact! The pace on these workouts is fast & there is little rest, which really keeps your heart rate up the entire time. Love the high energy unique routines. Mix and match for longer workouts using any of the premixes available. I did both together for a heart pumping 50ish minute cardio blast. Drill style athletic cardio, low impact, great cuing, and unique exercises make this a fav of mine. I did NOT receive this DVD to review.

For More Information, Visit:
Read all of my Cathe RWH Reviews
The Cathe Website
Cathe on Facebook
Cathe on Twitter

I purchased this DVD from Collage Video about a year ago and am finally getting around to posting my review. Just posting my review so others can enjoy :) I have worked with this vendor on review opportunities in the past.  All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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