Sunday, January 26, 2014

Interview with Professional Dancer Heather Graham (10-22-2012)

The Belles recently had the pleasure of reviewing Heather Graham”s new 10 Minute Solution: Cardio Hip Hop dvd  from Anchor Bay Fitness. Despite both of our lack of dancing abilities we really enjoyed the workout and were very excited with the opportunity to “interview” her. Keep reading to learn more about Heather:

Belles: For those of that are just discovering you, can you please tell us a little about your fitness background?
Heather: I started as a gymnast and continued my athletic world training as a professional dancer and acrobat.  i trained at a performing arts high school.  I later traveled the world as a dancer and aerialist on cruise ships.  I knew that Los Angeles had a lot to offer so i moved out here in 2007 where I continued my dance and acrobatics but also took on a new passion and love for the fitness world.  I can be seen in many fitness dvds, infomercials, and print work for Body By Jake, Leslie Sansone, Jennifer Galardi, Met-Rx 180, 10 Minute Solution: Cardio Hip Hop in which I hosted the video myself.
Belles: We really enjoyed your new 10 Minute Solution Cardio Hip Hop dvd. Is this representative to the types of workouts you typically do?
Heather: Since I am a professional dancer I get a lot of my toning and strength building from high intensity cardio workouts.  i wanted to put together a cardio hip hop dvd to make it a fun and enjoyable way to dance with out even realizing you’re burning calories and getting your body in shape. Plus, dancers know their body very well so teaching people how to move and get to know their body allows them to feel sexy and beautiful in the comfort of their own home.
Belles: We believe in having fun while working out, how do you keep your workout routines fun & fresh?
Heather: Having fun is my main priority while working out too.  i picked 5 different styles of dancing and selected all the hottest, new moves!! I/m continuously evolving in the dance world so I’m always up to date on what’s new and hot!  This dvd is packed with the latest and greatest, hottest dance moves out there!
Belles: What motivated you to team up with 10 Minute Solutions and create the Cardio Hip Hop DVD?
Heather: I was approached from the 10 Minute Solution’s producer after working with Leslie Sansone.  Once they realized that I was a dancer we found the perfect dvd for me to create.  i have learned a lot in the dance world about how to transform your body so it was no brainer once the opportunity was placed in front of me.  It is my pleasure to open peoples’ eyes up to the world of dance and help be their motivation to work hard and get the body they’ve always wanted.  My motivation comes from knowing that I can help make a difference in someone’s life.  Getting them to their goals fulfills my spirit 100%
Belles: Do you have plans for any future DVDs? If so, will they also be dance inspired?
Heather: i live and breath dancing every day and it will always be a major aspect in my life.  It has made me into the person i am today and i am forever grateful!  Dancers always have such beautiful bodies which is a testimony in itself.  So why not incorporate dance moves into your workout to help make it fun and enjoyable! Everyone wants to be able to dance!  Dancing will always be right by my side and will almost always be involved in everything i am a part of.
For More Information, Visit:
The 10 Minute Solutions Website
The Anchor Bay Website
Anchor Bay on TwitterAnchor Bay on FaceBook

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